Saturday, November 17, 2012

Rock summary


The rock cycle is the process of the different rock types changing into the others.  The Magma comes out of the Volcano and known as Lava.  When Lava cools down and solidifies by the time, it turns into Igneous Rock.  Then by weathering the rock breaks into small pieces of rock which called sediments.  After this process sediments moves by air or water which known as erosion.  When erosion stops new rock forms called Sedimentary Rock.  Sedimentary rock forms by Compaction and Cementation.  After  Metamorphic Rock formed by heat & Pressure.  When Metamorphic rock  go deep down near Magma by heat the rock starts to melt and turns into Magma.  Rock changes to metamorphic rock by heat and pressure.  This process forms a Metamorphic rock.  The Metamorphic rock keep going down and heat melts Metamorphic rock into magma.  The rock cycle support working to different processes.

Saturday, November 3, 2012



                           Metamorphic Rock


A rock made by pressure and heat.

         Igneous Rock

                  Igneous rock is formed from cooling magma.

                            Sedimentary Rock

                             A Rock formed by sediments.

       Small pieces from existent rocks.

    Magma/ Lava

              Magma inside of the volcano/Lave outside of the volcano.



                                                              The process of cooling.

             A rock breaks down into small pieces.



                                        erosion by the sediments are transported.


                                                Process by the sediments are squeezed.


                         Process by the sediments hold together


                                Igneous Rock

Intrusive: A rock that forms under the surface of the earth.

Extrusive: A rock formed on the surface of the Earth.


                            Metamorphic Rock


 Foliated:  Rock which are arranged  by layers.





Non Foliated:  Rock which are not arranged  by layers.

                          Sedimentary Rock

                 Clastic: A rock composed of broken pieces of older rocks.  

                   Crystalline: A crystal or crystalline solid is a solid material.

                            Bioclastic: Rock formed by rest of animal or plants death.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

         ABout Me
Science is Fun.
I like Driving Car.
Ghost scares me.
Briani and chinese is my favorite food.
I will be an engineer when I grow up.
I have 3 brother and 1 sister sibilings.
My favorite color is black.
My favorite things to do is  working in the garden.
Watch out for the car in the street.
I wish I will have a car.